Filing a Workers Compensation Claim in Long Beach

Work Injury Attorney Long Beach

If you were injured at work, you have to deal with the frustrating and complicated process. The workers’ compensation system was designed by the government to help injured individuals receive their financial benefits. However, you should not be facing this system alone. Instead, hire a legal representative who will help you receive financial benefits by guiding you though the entire process. Our workers comp attorneys will ensure that you receive financial help, which will cover the following:

  • Medical care – hospital stays, doctor visits, surgery, medicine
  • Mileage – reimbursement for mileage accrued as a result of the injury
  • Temporary disability benefits – payments for wages lost as a result of not being able to work at all while recovering
  • Permanent disability benefits – payments for wages lost as a result of sustaining an injury inflicting permanent disabilities
  • Job displacement benefits – vouchers to help pay for retraining or skill enhancement at eligible schools
  • Death benefits – payments to a deceased worker’s dependent(s)

Work Comp Lawyer Long Beach

As soon as you suffered an injury at your work place, after visiting the doctor and receiving much needed medical care, you should notify your supervisors of your injury. Not only that, but you should also file for DWC1 form. It is a Worker’s Compensation Claim Form, which most injured employees neglected and thus reduced their chances of receiving much needed financial and Long Beach disability benefits. Don’t be one of them; don’t make the same mistakes they did. File out for DWC1 and independent medical review to improve your chances of securing this much needed source of income.

When filling out a DWC1 form it’s important you:

  • Follow directions carefully
  • Complete the “employee” section of the form
  • List any secondary injuries or conditions related to the initial injury
  • Sign and date the form
  • Make a copy of the form for your records

If your work-related injury or illness developed slowly, notify work as soon as you became aware of the condition. Quick action on your part is important and can prevent any delays in the process. Failure to report a work-related injury within 30 days could put your right to benefits at risk.

Filing a Claim for Workers Compensation in Long Beach

If you received a notice from your insurance company or your employer and are asked to sign a recorded statement, we highly advise you not to do it before you talk to a skilled workers compensation Long Beach lawyer. They will try to intimidate you, say anything just to get your signature. Don’t fall for it. No matter what they say, do not sign anything unless your lawyer told you so. Always consult with a lawyer first, before signing any document or paperwork. This way, you will protect yourself and your legal rights.

Work comp lawyers can also notify your employer of your injury in your behalf, in case you decide to reach out to them before reaching out to your employer. They can also review your insurance paperwork and help you file for DCW1. Why not seek proper help when you can get it today?

Long Beach Work Injury Lawyers

Our work comp lawyers offer free consultation to our clients, as well as legal guidance and counseling. Call in today and schedule your initial consultation, completely free of charge. Our lawyers will help you file for a work comp claim, or help you have the current one reevaluated and reestablished. Call California Workers Compensation Lawyers , APC at (562) 366-0087 any day during business hours and talk to one of our highly experienced and kind work comp lawyers. If unable to call, send us an email and we will respond shortly. It is in our best interest to help you receive these financial benefits, so don’t be afraid to contact us before it is too late.

California Workers Compensation Lawyers , APC - Long Beach

295 Redondo Ave, Suite 201

Long Beach, CA 90803


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